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The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025

Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage


The World-Cultural-Shock


Old Person Care

Free translation

See the German letter here!

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck

To the

Curanum Ltd. Senior Residence Geertz

Riesebusch 2

23611 Bad Schwartau


To the OAS

Washington D. C


To the Ambulant Care Service


23564 Luebeck


Luebeck, 2004, August 31st, Tuesday

Restructuring and Tasks/ CC 

Please, let this letter be translated in many different languages and be handed over to the right places.


Dear Lord- and Ladyship, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ambulant Care Service!

Also for you it is time to make familiar with the reality, particularly, if my person can see, how you and people like you are working. You and your closely employees didn’t have in mind and do not have in mind to create and achieve something reasonable, but to get money out there, where still are to be found market gaps.

 The care service is such a secure and future-oriented market gap??!!

My person often is very angry about people of your category, who understand to come to money without doing a lot for it, within e. g. with a company foundation a car pool is bought, that the taxpayer finances in the final analysis and you do this until the vehicles may be able to charge off completely by the bookkeeping.

This work morality and that life philosophy, what is behind all this  for example behind your company, is extremely questionable opposite other ones, who must practice a vastly unpleasant activity with a considerable low responsibility, for that you and people like you, from my point of view, are not necessarily competent.

By means of your young girls one can recognize, that the calculating machine works in your heads, yet the will or the intention is not available to create and achieve something in life, what just makes a sense. It is not particularly reasonable, if a young girl or a young person is sent to an old in need of care person, to wash these people or to clean their bottoms, making it clear for you once again.

An old person, who already is in need of help and is depending on other one`s aid and has had almost one`s days will know, that one usually must make place for coming generations, what at this difficult transitional period, that will come up to mankind, will in this way not quite be the case. People, who are dependent on the care services, often are set up alone to themselves and have too less contact to other people.

In this stage the old person will be isolated very easily and is also very slightly confused. Old people have the possibility via television or broadcast to get contact form the outside world, however, by this the eyes and the hearing earlier become worse and will not be better as a result. In this way the 'spiral gets closed' then, so that an old person will prefer only an animal to a human being as an interlocutor in many cases.

Especially even if young girls, who could be already the grandchildren or the great-grandchildren of the persons concerned, should at all act opposite the old person with a brisk tone and a self-confidence to play act an adult, the old person then must begin to be in doubt about his intelligence, ones life sense and ones identity, till one actually drifts away more easily into a childlike mind, or is registered in the absence list, when the person is any more all of ones mind.

You as competent ones, however, then come up with the files under the arm and behave as personalities, who will stand with the health office and the public health officers in connection and are the opinion to be able to have to judge, that this or that old person must get in a nursing home.

On the one hand could perhaps the old person endanger oneself by means of a possible apartment fire, on the other hand also other ones could become affected, or even not?

You and people like you give precisely this mentioned impression to my person. You would like to make decisions, what is beyond your grasp to be recognized as a personality, was however is all kippers and curtains.

Hereby not only you in person are addressed, however your person type is always found again in such social official professions, there, where the one can put one`s well-being before the other one, with it  the one feel vindicated,** who requires this recognition and that are people of your type.

You and others are not really interested in, what will become from an old person, otherwise you would have a lot to do of course.

Especially you make your living also by the need of other ones and are supported in this regard by the state, when you could make yourselves independent.

You are not the only ones, which want to devote to this task; yet my person become cold each time, if people want to put them over others, whose maybe would even not to be able to hold a candle to an affected person.

Alone the age of a person is decisive for a person, who dares to take over a service, whereupon this person must not mistake the item "service". Young girls may be gladly employed at the social services, but there are ranges of tasks, which very simply a younger person does not have to take over!

Especially the physical hygiene of the old person must be left free of one`s own, if possible, particular for people, who have made their mark and also have the abilities. There are still specific other reasons, which forbid a young person to have a look at the body of older people and to become active at it!

Shopping or tidy up the apartment, the cooking and cleaning, these tasks can gladly take over young girls at this temporary time, but not much more. There exists a natural age hierarchy, which must not strained even longer, because, otherwise the mind of the old person suffers a drastically harm by such classification of the person, particularly, if the younger person can order to the old persons.

Also from my person`s point of view my person advises the responsible persons to hold the title of my person not small or to ignore it any longer. Certainly this kind of boor have their origin from the same person type, which hereby are strict relegated in their places. A lot of these nurses and male nurses hold on themselves to an activity, there, where they can make decisions and can give commands or orders, because the whole social arrangement is any more right and a young person already bears the burdens, which have caused the last** generations.                                                       

It is an understandable reaction compared to the older generation, but it only leads there, where it brings more harms than use, indeed in the illnesses like the “Alzheimer” illness or similar atrophy of the mind.

Thus one thing comes to the other and partially it will go against the atrophy with gymnastic practices as well as by other measures, too.  These gymnastic practices often are limbering-up exercises, which have spread in the nursing field and also go along often with human close touch. If, otherwise, an old person normally is not touched, at which a handshake would already be sufficient, the life-affirming feeling then is endangered and gets lost for the person. As a result a gymnastic measure, the dressing, the care of the body or other doings become an important body contact for a person, what is actually very sad, because, then the person is already isolated too far.

The nursing staff has been known these normal needs of communication. The staff also knows about all these reflexes and symptoms and are using this knowledge wrongly, while specific gymnastic limbering-up practices stand on the program, what look like rather anaesthetic and unnatural, particularly if a person stands already under pharmaceutics or must take part in these practices even under psychiatric drugs. Besides, the femoral exercises are an unconditional must, aren`t they?

These and many other life-stimulating measures are taken, what leads to the fact, that the old person loses one`s  self-centred protection by such artificially psychological measures and could surrender** oneself also while the person in principle lets others up to oneself. As a result, these others have their advantages by the fact, that they are with pleasure seen people, who use realistic methods and as a result also are needed without fail.

For a short time my person was employed at an old people- and nursing home and is informed about people of your type in the best possible way and also via TV!

In such a way that whole goes on for a long time, but in such a way, now it goes on any longer!

People, who want to like be considered as "great" ones, now have  really no place in such an occupation and there they will get no satisfaction, either!*People, who have greatness, know that they must make themselves small compared with the destiny of an old person and who is not able to do this, that one is also not suitable for such an occupation! *

The same really applies also for conscientious objectors, who must bridge a certain time by social arrangements.

People, who gladly want to represent something by achievement, unfortunately have gone the way of the social occupations, at which it certainly will be absolutely nearly eighty percent of the persons concerned, who however do not fit at all to the occupational state e. g. of a nurse or a hospital nurse.

You and other people have cashed up sufficiently money and have caused enough nonsense, because what do you have created, these are persons, who alone made ends meet some years and in the final analysis are going to end up nevertheless in an old people`s home or nursing home, or have already ended up in part there and have died there, filled up with drugs without clear mind or they still are going to die in this way........

This is not a lot what you can manage and can show then, by which you could fill up your pockets. So you and other people do not come quite surely through the life, definitely not, if my person guarantees for right and order. Every orderly, every nurse and every hospital nurse should know something: An old human being must not take a shower daily or must be washed completely daily. An older person sweats so strongly or does not perspire any more so strongly and thus one should not always come with the argument that the old person is dirty and must be washed.

Dirty are you and people like you, if you disregard the dignity of a helpless person and force old people for example to let dress them the tight supporting pantyhose and a lot more daily!*

There are low priced and fresh wash wipes with a nice decent fragrance or also with a quite neutral fragrance, which one could use for the daily required hygiene, at which the old person, if possible, should care oneself in principle, to must let nobody up to one`s body. In this way the frequent whish of the old person can be respected, because the old person often balks with good reason at your kind of cleanness.

Also you, please, must not do put a person on the toilet or lead a person on the toilet in terms of a time! A young body can get better used to certain times or a rhythm for the act of urination than an older body is able to make it possible, because by the lower food intake at the age the liquid absorption gets another importance, because everything in the body becomes more sensitive and more susceptible.

By the work routines by means of roster of the personnel certainly the specific prerequisites are only very difficult to make possible or to realize, what yet please, shall be mastered for a future, because you must change your service planning due to the health of the old person now.

Just the kidneys and the bladder are especially sensitive in age, so that the urination must be allowed according to the need and not in terms of time, what especially also is valid for the old people`s homes and nursing homes, where up to now was acted against every reason, while the personnel got its firm work routines by a time dictated manner and thereby it did not seem to be possible for a realization of the human needs any more, although the people are already crammed with drugs and in this way, possibly even more medicine could be handed, which suppresses and represses the urination.

Woe betide you, woe, woe, you pass the people already medicine, which make the working division easier to you as the  service staff, while maybe the urination can be held back by it, however, the body and the mind of the old person must pay the bill for it then, woe, woe betide to you, if already it is practiced in such a way!

Every person, who already exists under drugs in an old people’s home or nursing home for years, has paid in part his bill and has hopefully learned  from his mistakes, particularly by the many young people, who may give the instructions today! The second rule concerns the huge number of the drugs, which must be reduced sooner or later very strongly, so that not become living chemical factories from the individuals, who must lose the mind at the end, because afterlife will depend on the mind at the end of life. 

The mind has got the highest priority also before an artificially prolonged life, by which the danger is proved well-founded on been having lost the mind in the course of the next years.

The responsibility for the whereabouts of his parents or for the remaining parent has to bear fundamentally the first-born son and as a consequence* his wife, too. The next sons follow in succession and only then the oldest daughter follows in succession. After this the succession goes on to the grandchildren. Now the reality is progressed so far that particularly the sons have retreated in another town or in another country, as a rule by the entitled pretext of a job.

Or, however, the sons live in a wide-distant part of town and have redounded to the fact, that the relation mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has developed difficultly, so that possibly the sister must swallow the bitter pill and has to look primarily after the remained parent. However, mostly the women already bear their own family for a long time and drag along their husbands, by which there will also be a mother-in-law, who also become difficult, if she is already in age and in need of care.

In other words, long ago the people are broken and can encumber themselves with no other burdens, otherwise many people would have to set their vacation aside, what is any more acceptable and does not fit in the today`s society and its life philosophy. Which woman would care her mother-in-law voluntarily and would spend her time, if she already more or less drags her husband through the life for years and which woman would make it free of charge?

Such a matter a woman anymore can manage, if she does not like to surrender herself completely and now thus concrete solutions have to be found by a round table discussion** in order to finish the vicious circle, in which an old in need of care person is in, too. These must be solutions, which promise at the same time a security with future prospects for everybody together.

The basis for these regulations will be the universal remedies, * (are cancelled for the present, since order must strictly adhered to)***,  which can be passed exclusively by a true doctor, who decides indirectly by the means of the colossal area, in which direction one person is sent and to which direction the other person must go, so that the whole circuit of life becomes functioning and therefore it will always concern the mind as a basis, which must be best preserved and completely functioning still at the end of life.

In such a way writings are ready for older people too, which should be read, so that everybody knows what is about it. So the old person is given the possibility to a recovery or to the preservation of the health* (are cancelled for the present)***, to write even letters to important places or to become active still in an honorary capacity in the occupational world. Every older person will have to change for this purpose in the matter and by the commission once again his flat or his residential stay.

Should the old person already live at a people`s home or take up a nursing place and should act the universal drugs already positively, * (become nearly chronologically impossible)*** then a small house with an allotment garden will be established for these people, but please, immediately in an arrangement, which also includes the next relatives, so that these can enter in the immediate neighbourhood, at which an allotment garden will always belong to it.

Thus the old person is taken for his descendants in the responsibility as a placeholder and also as a representative of the guardian to spare the children the same destiny, ** what would impend otherwise everybody. Also in reverse order the children and grandchildren will be reachable for the grandparents and to nobody the burdens are imposed, which cannot be carried any more.

The grandchildren or the children of the children also have to be included in the respective planning of the garden facilities. Thus everybody keeps his personal area however, nobody is excluded from the family, particularly not, if still the grandchildren and great-grandchildren could visit the grandparents independently. But there is also family background, where the danger is given to be used and more by the parent, particularly by the normal family connections and the natural obligations opposite the parents.

Also a stop is pushed by this mentioned above regulation of the other side of the coin and everybody can retire in one`s borders.

In other words, the basic principle is, that the old person gets back his health to be able to protect *** his mind and will be taken in the beginning of the restructuring, from which the allocation of the residential small houses will go out. By this arrangement arises a casual atmosphere, since a lot of bitterness and disappointment forms an old person from the old people’s- and nursing home. This arrangement is the only solution that can check the entire circuit of life and it is a solution that is practicable.

The people, who will not come out any more from the nursing homes and old people's homes, what nobody will be able to decide, should be accompanied to death at least by the responsible members. This means that the empty beds, which there will be very often at the nursing homes and old people's homes, are intended for those ones, who had retreated cowardly and have moved even in the foreign countries, without thinking of a later return, because of the old parents.

Now you as an outpatient care (ambulant) service come up to your real job in cooperation with the health insurances and the health centre. You please, will now find out the relatives and persons responsible, while you will formulate a document, which is unequivocal and excludes voluntariness or a request. It is a command, what is authorized, otherwise must be helped by force. 

Either the colossal Cudgel of my person undertakes this supervision, what would be a relief for everybody, or the respective military takes over this transportation of the suitable members as a committal to the old people’s home and nursing homes, at which everybody may incorporate his marriage partner.

This measure could lead to the fact, that the universal remedies will still take effect and could lead also to the fact, that the respective connection and allocation can be certainly regulated between life and death, what is of greatest importance.

Should a complete break exist in the family, the next responsible relatives must take over this legal portion. Many older people will know about, that the paradise will not be so nice as one has hoped for it because, if for many ones from the end of life has become a perishing like an animal, then a contrary life will not be enabled, but rather separate continued somewhere. Thus the construction of the life circuit also together has to do with** the restructuring and this again then has its connection with the next construction and the next order after life.

For these realizations are ordered the last generations therefore our age, particularly people of your type, who may also turn around and just can go straight on then, because you and others would may show finally something what has a sense.

HP.: You as male office clerks will not hide comfortably behind the desk and sit down in a made nest, but you will have to learn bearing burdens independently and not to distribute the burdens to the women and girls and then still to portion them the money again. For this reason you and your equals will be sent to the building to help in the demolition works of some buildings here in Luebeck, so that you learn to appreciate a performed work, you silly boys and spoilt rascals, you!

On behalf of


There in the old people’s homes or nursing homes goes on much more, what one can notice, if one watches the social climate on site.

2010, June 11th

*** There is another solution for temporal reasons as a make-shift-solution,** which concerns the circuit of life, because if it is played with the end, the end will play with you!

2016, Aug. 12th

There is nothing to add! ***2018/

2019, Sept. 8th

Das Weltkulturerbe - OMEGA


The World- Cultural- Heritage



Das Weltkulturerbe und der Schock.


The World-Cultural-Heritage and the Shock.   

For additional information see: www.ursula-luebeck.de


Ursula Sabisch

Mail: us@cultural-shock.de

Roundup of Pages: www.orbit.cultural-shock.de